The Natural Selection 2 Story

A blog dedicated to examing the life of the FPS/RTS hybrid game.

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Welcome to the blog

Hi all,

Thanks for stopping by! Over the coming weeks, this blog will host a number of pieces that aim to examine and discuss the life of Natural Selection 2, spanning from its inception all the way up to the present day. 

So what's the purpose of doing this? Well I'm hoping this blog will go into a bit more depth than any article you might find on a gaming journal site, as the content will be generated by members of the NS2 community who have been there from the beginning until the end. These are members who understand the core gameplay mechanics of the game in a public setting all the way up to the intricacies of competitive play, and much more.

Keep checking back regularly for new updates that will focus on different elements of the game which is arguably one of the most unique multiplayer experiences in a long time.